30 Weeks 1 Day Nesting Like a Crazy.!! 😝😝

So at 5am this morning I decided it was time to get my babies stuff TO-GE-THER πŸ˜† At this time I was just planning but by 11am I had went out brought cleaning supplies, fabric storage baskets, baby's mattress&pad, newborn sleepers & pampers (didn't receive any at shower), a diaper pail & refill bags, and a tummy time wedge. I got home dusted EVERYTHING, vacuumed, and shampooed the carpet.! Lol I set up the changing tables with supplies, got rid of all the babyshower bags, stocked the diaper bag with the basics, and got all of baby's clothes ready for the wash.!! It's now 8:30pm and I'm just about finished (took a few snack breaks lol). Was this too much.? Lol I plan on washing our clothes and organizing them tomorrow and getting my closet together. I will be ordering the travel system Friday and getting my nursing supplies sometime in October. I plan on relaxing the rest of this pregnancy and focusing on my 4 year old daughter and getting her birthday and Christmas things in order.