What else can I do for sore feet?


Long story short... Saturday we had a family party for a cousin who is being deployed early June. I wore sandals (big mistake I guess) and towards the end of the day my feet started swelling. I instantly kept them elevated the remainder of the party as much as I possibly could - I have an almost 5 year old that I needed to attend to as well. But ever since my feet just hurt. The soles, my ankles, heels.. they get crampy often and it hurts to walk. I rolled out of bed just like a half hour ago and had to cancel my beach plans today bc I know walking and the heat would irritate them more. So, what else can I do besides elevation/resting and soaking my feet? They’re not even swollen still (just slightly on the right) more just veryyy painful and sore that I can’t walk barefoot.

BP has been fine, I’ve been checking periodically since sat night.