Potentially blocked Fallopian tube - options?


Hi all,

We have been TTC our first for 19 months with no luck. Last month, we visited with a reproductive endocrinologist for testing and consultation - we learned that my egg count and my husband’s sperm count/motility are both great for our age (I’m 33, he’s 32) and overall, we are both in good health.

The only issue that we discovered was during the HSG test, the dye got stuck in my left tube, which may mean blockage, but may just be the position I was in or another fluke during testing.

The RE recommends jumping straight into <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>, but also said we could do surgery to see if the tube is actually blocked (and if so, remove it).

Has anyone else had a similar situation? I’m hesitant to jump straight to <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> if there is a possibility that we are both healthy and capable of conceiving on our own (especially if my tube isn’t actually blocked). Can anyone who has had a tube removed tell me about the recovery from the surgery? Were you able to conceive after?

Thanks in advance for any advice or information. ❤️