Implantation bleeding???


I started my last period on May 3rd, ended May 7th, app says I’m to ovulate the 16th, on the evening of the 18th and 19th after sex my BFF and I noticed a little blood. Nothing bright, just a hint of pink, little bit of brown and not very much. The things I’ve found online say it’s probably implantation bleeding but I’m not sure as I never noticed this with my previous two pregnancies. I never spot or bleed in between my periods so I was kinda thrown off when we noticed. I didn’t notice any bleeding, spotting or streaking during the day before, during, or after those two days we noticed the little bit of blood. I have only a 22 day cycle and expect my period in 9 days but not having or noticing this happen before is got me all kinds of worried and excited lol. The other possibility is that our sex was “rough”, which I don’t think it was, and he maybe was hitting my cervix? Idk and would appreciate and words of wisdom!!! TIA