Unexpected labor..... PS I’m not great at story writing so his maybe a bit crazy haha!!!

Nicole • 👩Mommy+👦Daddy=👶 5-17-19 Charlie Mae💕🎀🌸

I was scheduled for a c-sec May 27th, (due to a previous one) besides GD I had an amazing pregnancy no real pain or discomfort even towards the end. So on Friday May 17th I woke up having a few contractions every couples hours. I was 37+6 I never dropped or lost my plug. I went on about my day the contractions were like mold period cramps and inconsistent so I just figured maybe I’d go into labor over the weekend. I went to Walmart to exchange some nursing bras and had a contraction while walking out that stopped me in my tracks. Got home and threw some clothes in the wash you know just in case. Then laid down about 4pm I felt a gush not much, but enough to get up and check it out it was a little red blood and thin discharge (or so I thought). Called the midwife to let them know I was having some contractions and the blood. They said to come in when the contractions got 5mins apart or id I filled up a pad with in an hour. Well that’s when things started to get real. Call my SO to let him know to get home ASAP to shower cause we were def gonna have to go to the hospital sooner than later. He got home about 6 and by then the contractions were on top of each other and getting really painful. We finally got to the hospital at 7 and I was already 4cm and 100% effaced and my water indeed broke. At this point I was consider just have a natural labor. They were still getting ready for a c-sec just in case. All of a sudden I felt a ton of pressure and they checked I was at 7cm and her head was right there. I was just about to ask for an epidural when her heart rate dropped and they were rushing me into OR. At 8:36pm my beautiful Charlie🎀🌸💕 was born 5lbs 8oz and 17.5in. She had a lot of fluid on her lungs and had to be observed in the NICU for a few hours but she’s perfect. Oh and a shout out to all the moms who have natural unmediated child birth cause damn you are strong.