Getting off the pill??

Okay, I have been on the pill for almost four years (I started taking it when I was 18, I'm 22) and I finally decided to quit taking it as I have been in a long distance relationship for a while now. I have been considering quitting it for a while now since my boyfriend isn't around for me to have sex with but I've been hesitant because I was a huge fan of my 2-3 day very light periods. This will be my first time off it since I started taking it
Anyway what kind of things can I expect?? I've done a littl research but I'd like to hear real accounts. What kind of changes might I notice? I've been off it for just a little under two weeks now. 
I've mostly noticed that my face has been breaking out a lot (not surprising for me) but that's about it....maybe a little bloating.