Please help with some advice with “Dad Time”


My husband, Paul, is amazing with our boy, Mason, and has taken to parenting like a duck to water. He has always been wonderful with kids. Paul works full time and even on weekends to support us. Our agreement was to keep two things consistent - I would do all night feeds because we’re exclusively breastfeeding and it meant he got the sleep he needed for a full day’s work and he would do bath time because that would be good bonding and fun for daddy and son. Everything else (nappy changing and interactions) we share according to the time we spend with Mason.

Mostly bath time has been a hit or miss (mostly a miss 😞) with how much Mason is calm and enjoys it and when he does it’s great, but when he doesn’t, he gets so worked up. It broke my heart last night (and every time he screams) to see how disheartened Paul was because once again Mason got so worked up. Paul stays patient and as calm as he can, but you can tell it upsets him.

Please can you give me some advice on how Paul can run bath time to help Mason relax and enjoy it or another enjoyable way that he can be involved without introducing bottle feeding? Also, ways that I can pass this advice on to him without making him feel as though he’s not doing a good job with bath time?