

April 28th I found out my now ex boyfriend been cheating on me. May 9th I started on loving myself and being positive, haven’t broken it once. Today, I burnt all my suicide notes to my family that I wrote over a month ago. I’ve have depression for 10 years, I’ve had days I didn’t want to get out of bed, I’ve had days I wanted to die. The start of May was my new beginning and I’m not looking back!!! If anyone ever feels like giving up, please reach out to someone, someone you love, someone you care for, someone you trust. Or even through the internet, a lot of people care. I’m one of them.

If anyone needs someone to talk to please don’t be afraid to message me on any of these;

Snapchat - melo_cupcake96

Instagram - melo_cupcake

Twitter - MelissaSue96

You’re not alone. And you’re worth way more than you think. I promise 💕