I’m in need of advice

So I’ve been hanging with this guy lately because he’s been in need of friendships outside of his girlfriend. I also needed someone to hang with and get out of my shell a bit and he happened to be that someone.

His relationship with his girlfriend has been really rocky, and isn’t very healthy. She is a very physical person and has a lot of baggage she needs to work on. She has pushed him to do things he wasn’t comfortable doing and a lot of his friends said they should break up, but they didn’t.

Lately their relationship has been better, but she’s still really clingy. But both of them are good friends of mine and I don’t like conflicts.

So he’s liked me before, I don’t know if he still has those feelings or if it was a passerby, but we are able to get along really well, and enjoy each other’s company, and we’ll, I think I’ve started to like him.

I’ve thought to myself, “are these feelings wrong?” Or, “can I still give him relationship advice, or is there a conflict of interest?” I wouldn’t dare tell him this though, because even if he does end his relationship with his girlfriend, he will need time to heal before going into another relationship, and I don’t want to take that from him. I haven’t even told anyone about my feelings on this case.

So, I wonder if I should stop hanging with him so much, for his sake, if I should say anything about my potential feelings, or what I should do in this type of predicament.