So one of my classmates took this and sent it to the group chat

Dariel • Wife💍, Believer ✝️, 20☺️, Soph Nursing Student 📗 Small Business Owner 💫 MTB of baby #1 🤰🏽🍼❤️ My Identical Twin Angels Delasia & Delasio 👼🏽

She sent this to the chat after telling us that she has an iud that feels misplaced and she thinks that she got pregnant, and she also said that they had sex a few days ago(how would you have a positive now? AND she has an IUD and has been on it for 3 years 😂 But any who) so she sent this and everybody in the chat were saying maybe you should take another one, it’s pretty blurry. She gets mad and says “IM NOT LYING! I am pregnant” so at this point we feel like she said this because she feels guilty about lying and just drew a line with a marker. so i just want to know, has anyone else seen a test like this? Even my husband said it’s fake and she drew a line, you have to zoom in to see it, and the front line is a whole different color