
Amanda • 35 | Vivian Lee 9/11/2017 & Henry Lee 4/24/2019 👧🏼💗💙👶🏻

Can a 1mos old drain a breast in 5min yet??

I know over time they get more efficient but that seems ridiculous. My daughter was still nursing like 15/20min per side at this age. However my son is like the perpetual snacker or just plain lazy. He’ll nurse 5min on one side and be done. It drives me crazy. Now I’m having to pump after almost every session (if I even can...if he’s not asleep on me) because I’m worried about the long gap with the opposite side.

He’s not sleeping in bed or at night hardly. However he does do 2-3 stretches being held or during the day. So I assume he’s getting enough to not be going hungry.

He actually gained 19oz in 8 days when he went to Peds. for weight check. However now he’s kinda slowed down (11oz in like 14 days) and I’m worried it’s due to his lazy/snacking nursing. I feel like he’s just getting the foremilk then gets frustrated and pulls off. If I try to get him to latch again, or take the other side he gets super angry. And then he’ll just fall asleep. But I feel like he never takes a “full” feed again.

He’s like the complete opposite of how my daughter was with nursing so now I feel like a newbie again since he’s so different lol.

He also got a tongue tie correction about 10 days ago. Not sure if that plays a factor. I know they have to re-learn how to use their tongue. But I feel like since then he’s either gotten super efficient or just plain lazy. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Milk coma 😂