

So iv been with my boyfriend for three years, ive been suspicious and have found things before. But I had left him, but came back, he’s obviously a very convincing person... well he went to Georgia for work training, while I was 5 months pregnant? The same day he sent me sweet texts, comes to find out he sent dick picks to some female that I was suspicious about always commenting/hearting things on his Facebook... comes to find out he wasn’t lying about it being one of his cousins ex’s.... which makes it worse in my opinion. But even after I found it he made excuses about it being an old picture, he must’ve been hacked, etc etc.... well he finally admitted it... she defended him saying it was all her, and he ended it pretty quick.. but he’s constantly telling me he wouldn’t hurt me, and him lying about this just makes me wonder about all the other times.... which I never believe his excuses, but I stayed with him because I love him. But now I just don’t feel the same when I’m around him, sex isn’t good anymore... I look at him in a whole different way... like today he said “it’s us against everybody else, we have no friends” but all I could think is.... well it’s not just me for you..... he’s a lot older than me... and I’m the faithful one... I’m just hurt.... we are also in a very difficult situation since I lost my job due to being pregnant back in December.... he’s the only one working and we need a place to stay terribly bad, where we are he isn’t comfortable... I’m just not sure what to do.... July is so close..