1st cycle on Metformin


Hey guys so I have PCOS and after going through all my fertility tests I was prescribed Metformin 750mg twice daily. Now I know it helps regulate ovulation but i normally ovulate between cd 25-35 this month like CD 15 I’m wondering if that’s too early? Simply because it was the week after my period it just seems too close...I definitely was not prepared to ovulate that early I gt a light opk on Thursday....Friday blazing positive and smile which was on the day of my surprise bday party so that sucked but I went to meet with my donor Saturday morning still even though my digital was negative(wondering if the alcohol in my FMU maybe caused this) but I’ve also heard after the positive smile u should’nt take anymore anyway... the opks were still blazing after coming home from meeting my donor so I’m hopeful...I took another because my digitals were gone 😫 but I’m keeping my fingers crossed and I know what to expect next cycle...if there is one 🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽