Baby shower?

Michelle 💕 • TCC #1 for 2 long years... Mentally & physically drained

How would feel if your mother & sisters told you they didn't believe in having a baby shower & would not attend yours because it could "jinx" the pregnancy? Would you still have the baby shower wihout them? Would you be hurt that the majority of the attendees would be from your SO's family?

**Sidenote**: I'm not pregnant! (Yet...😊) Hopefully I will be soon, but yeah...this is what I have to look forward to 😖 They have never believed in it. I have 2 sisters, neither one had a baby shower because they said that the devil😈 is always busy & will cause something bad to happen and then I'll have the reminder of it through baby gifts. My Mom said she doesn't believe in having decorating a nursery either 😖 so my MIL will have to help me with that also.