Please help me make this decision! (Read whole thing please before voting)


Here's the situation- Im starting college in the fall, and have recieved several grants and scholarships so that I wont need to pay for any tuition or anything school related, and will still have quite a bit left over. I was going to have my daughter be in daycare while i went to school (its a free daycare for low income) but I just found out that since she's not 1 year yet they dont have any options for me if im not going to be working. Anyways, that option just went out the window, and i have to register for classes tomorrow, so my options are this:

1. Find another daycare and pay for it which would take a huge chunk of money out of what im getting, and i need some of it to buy a car. The pro to this option is that im new to the area and have yet to make any friends so i was hoping to be able to make some by going to actual classes at the college.

2. Take online classes until she turns one. Cons to this are that i will have to stay home, which drives me crazy. Also i dont know if I'll do well with online school. Pros are saving alot of money and seeing my baby more.

Now that I type this all out online classes seems like the no-brainer to me lol. But ill still post it and get your guys' opinions. The thing i dont like most about it though is that i hate not having somewhere to go everyday. It really takes a toll on me mentally, especially right now with not having any friends where I live. I was super excited to be able to go to classes. If you were in my spot what would you do?

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