Heart Rates and Gender.


I know it’s all old wives tales...but I’m dying for a girl. I feel if my first pregnancy is a boy I will have a second boy 🤦🏼‍♀️😂 so today at 20w6d I had my u/s. The heart rate was 136!! All my previous appointments the heart rate has been around 150/55.

Yeah, I know it means nothing...but how many of you have debunked the heart rate myth?! I also don’t really have cravings...just loving watermelon, pineapple and chocolate. Cheesy egg sandwiches too!

No heart burn, sometimes random acid reflux in the back of my throat. No sickness either.

Sounds like a boy 🤷🏼‍♀️ but I know that every body is different! We are also not finding out the sex...I have a preference but all in all just want a healthy baby. There’s few surprises in life and I want the sex of my baby to be one of them 🥰

I know you can’t see much in the pic...u/s tech was very careful of that!