Daily Check In May 22nd

Elisa • Married 2ectopics, 1 ovary. First FET 2/13/19-BFN Second FET 4/3/19-BFP Boy/Girl Twins

I’m going in today for my ultrasound with my RE. This was my original appointment so I’m wondering if I should act surprised again when I see my nuggets lol. Hopefully they are still very healthy. I will follow up with y’all. It’s in an hour. How are my ladies doing. We have been on one heck of a rollercoaster ride this first trimester but we are almost on to greener pastures. Continue to stay positive and fight for our babies!

Update: Babies are healthier and happier than me lol. Sucking and kicking! And I heard the heartbeat which made me tear up. The nurse prescribed some meds for nausea and they released me to my OB. I had already stopped my PIO shots which was a risk i was willing to take because my instinct told me my body had all I needed to hold these babies and I was right. My doctor didn’t scold me she just told me i had good instincts because those little munchkins are warriors.