Help getting baby to not hate the boob? 😭


I have slightly flat nipples as it is so that's not helping. She rarely takes bottles but she just hates my boobs.

She wont even try to latch. Instead she will shake her face back and forth. It takes FOREVER to feed her and she isnt gaining weight as fast as I wish she was.

She was born weighing about 7lbs 3oz but she was swaddled when the nurse weighed her so probably closer to 7lbs even. Shes going to be 8 weeks on Saturday and she only weighs 8lbs 9-12oz depending on the day. She weighed 8lbs 5oz two weeks ago so she is gaining, but very slowly.

She has 5-8 diapers a day on average I would guess and is an overall happy baby.

UNTIL i pull out my boob to feed. My supply is decent and I've had no issues with pumping and bottle feeding so i haven't had to supplement yet. Yet is the operative word though because this is how it started with my older girl too.

Help. Please 😭😭😭 I've been on the verge of tears all day because of this crap!