Throwing in the towel on bf?


So it's been a 18 days

After a failed induction, 33 hour labour ending in emergency c section, me and the little one are fine.

However bf has not been fine.

I can't express more than 1oz MAX. Ive seen so many lactation consultants midwives, had her mild tongue tie snipped, taking fenugreek, feed as often as I can, SNS feeding but nothing seems to be working.

Currently we are trying to reduce the amount of supplemental milk baby is having, whilst at the same time recording wet nappies and keeping an eye on her weight.

Her latch isn't the deepest and I don't have any pain or cracked nipples but when she finally does latch, she just doesn't suckle. Or she suckles for 1 to 2 hours but I think its to pacify.

Feeds turn into hours and are usually supplemented with 2oz milk.

I am also trying to express between just to help supply.

I don't know whether to continue as we are and hope that eventually bf will improve but I am not sure how that will happen?.. or just throw in the towel?