Nicu mom’s Journey with a Brain Disorder


The picture below was 1. The day she was born at 5lbs and 15in. 2nd pic is her after her surgery . 3 picture is Elliana the day she was taken off oxygen and all her monitors. Last pic was May 15 at 6 weeks the day we brought her home. She was 7lbs exactly . And today she weighs 7lbs 3oz.

So my daughter Elliana was born 1 month early do to me having preeclampsia. I was induced on April 9 and by 5pm via csection I had my babygirl. It was not at all the delivery I expected . We spent endless days and nights and a total of 1 month in Nicu .You see my daughter was born with dysgenesis of the Corpus Callosum. It’s a brain disorder in which the 2 septum’s of the brain aren’t fully developed and connected and a cyst is formed. I was told my baby wouldn’t stand a chance at living . I ask Drs what caused this and all they could tell me was she wasn’t fully developed . Because of her diagnosis my baby girl didn’t open her eyes . She was placed on so many machines to help her fight for her life. She was on a Oxygen nasal canula, a nasal feeding tube under incubation. I wasn’t even allowed to touch my baby because of how delicate she was. On April 15 My daughter had her 1st operation to get a gtube. Drs said only way to help her get nutrients that she would need to survive was to place a gtube . My husband and I feared for our babygirl. Drs said to not get fully attached . That there was a 15% chance she wouldn’t make it do to the fact that her lungs were giving out on her and she needed A high volume of oxygen. At 3pm that day my baby beat surgery and returned to her Nicu room for recovery. It was the most painful thing I’ve ever saw. My baby looked like she was in so much pain. On May 13 it was as if my baby had a miracle happen. She no longer needed oxygen. She opened her eyes for the first time and was strong enough to not need a incubator no more. It was the day me and my husband got to hold her for the first time. At 4 weeks my baby finally was strong enough to go home. It was the most proudest moment of my life. Now 6 weeks later my little fighter is doing well. She is officially 7lbs 3oz. And 18. At birth she weighed 5lbs and barely 15in long. My daughter is a living proof that miracles do happen. They said She would never make it with her brain not fully developed and here she is she maybe special needs . And not live a normal life as drs assume. But to me I belie my daughter will be able to overcome and prove everyone that she will live a normal life.