Panic attack 😭



Yesterday we registered my baby's birth and we kept bumping into people we knew in town.. my other half kept taking the baby out the pram and letting them all hold her😖😖.. some of them touched her and one kissed her face. (I've been too scared myself to kiss her face I did the group b test at 35 weeks and it was negative but I'm still anxious 💔) I started crying I was so upset I kept telling him please don't let everyone hold her 😭😭 when we got home she didn't seem herself and she was really sleepy.. she slept 6 hours between a feed!!! She usually only goes 2-3. Nothing I did would wake her I was so scared and panic took over thinking the worst I was crying for so long until she finally woke and fed!

She's absolutely fine today and now I feel silly I could've finally got some good sleep 🙄😂👀😴

Here she is this morning looking all serious 😍😂