What to do ....??


I’ve been in a relationship with my girl for about a year now. And she is the best person I’ve been in a relationship with. I should say the healthiest relationship I’ve had. But for the past couple months I just been feeling not to into it. Like I guess I’m so used to being with her and in a relationship it makes me feel like I’m supposed to stay or be with her. But from time to time I think and feel like I wanna talk to other people without being in a relationship. I feel good within myself being independent. But also feel bad and think to myself how can I leave a good relationship. There’s nothing on her end that makes me think that there’s a valid reason to leave. But within myself I don’t want to really be in a relationship. I start to over think and feel bad like I’m throwing something perfectly fine away. I guess I always mostly just feel bad all the time and idk what to do. I’m a confused mess honestly and I just need some advice. Sorry if it might not make sense... my mind is everywhere😏