Am I approaching this wrong?

Baby doesn't like bottles. It has nothing to do with type of bottle or nipple, she only wants boob.

I am working part time now so I need to work on her.

Instead of offering her just breast, I am giving her more bottles instead. She screams and cries..refuses to eat. I really don't know what to do anymore, it's to the point its effecting my health because I feel like a shitty mom forcing her to take something she clearly doesn't want... but I really have no other choice.

I approach her with the bottle, she cries to I set her down.. let her cry for 5 mins than approach with the bottle again.. we will go through this process 2-3 times before she takes the bottle. I just started this. I am not sure if there is a better way but I feel like I am a shit mom doing this but I really don't know what to do anymore?!?!? I need guidance or at least reassurance I am doing this correctly 😭 I am questioning myself even if I should have breastfed to begin with because 8 didn't picture having to go through this.

Shes 3 months old btw

Also. Doesn't matter who feeds her. Same reaction no matter what.