Sleep Training


My daughter is 15 months old and still breastfed and 1/2 co sleeping (nursed to sleep and then put in her crib and around midnight brought to our bed) She nurses primarily in the evenings/night. Lately she has been going through a phase where she is blatantly refusing a pacifier at bed time and will only nurse to soothe. (Which is really serving a toll on me.... my nipples are killing me through the night and I cannot sleep with the tugging, teeth grinding, pruned, sore nipples! 😫)

I don’t want to stop breast feeding yet..... but am really hitting a breaking point and really want to look into getting some tips on sleep training and adjusting to just a before bed nursing session, her sleeping in her own crib during the night, and then nursing in the AM.

Her current schedule has really took a tole on my marriage and my husband and I do not spend enough time together. I’m hoping a successful sleep training schedule will help all of us...... my daughter is so stubborn and does not self soothe..... I’ve tried the cry it out and I always break.

What has worked for you? Any similar situations?

Tips.... help!