IC/cerclage question

nicole 💙💖 • I was 18.1 weeks pregnant and went into early labor due to incompetent cervix I had to deliver my beautiful baby girl and she died in our arms 👼💔 Trying for our rainbow baby/babies !! Please pray for us and send all of the positive vibes and baby dust!!

Has anyone had twins after losing baby due to incompetent cervix. Everyone keeps telling me to look forward to my next pregnancy.. and maybe I'll have twins ( Everyone keeps saying that I think they're just trying to cheer me at because everything so for us and I'm so heartbroken and devastated from what happened) .. which kind of excites me.. but then again it also terrifies me .. knowing that my cervix was incompetent and couldn't hold my little girl and I lost her. Would the cerclage help if I do get pregnant the next time .. and if it were with twins??