Help please

Brittany • mommy of an angel in heaven, Leah Grace, a mommy of a handsome boy DJ, one unfortunate misscariage and a handsome boy Frankie.😍😍😍😙😙😙

Has anyone missed a period, had symptoms of pregnancy and tests be negative. Blood test be 0.06 which is negative even though like 2 weeks ago it was 0.00 and still be pregnant? My last period was April 14th Iv had faint positives and negatives like alot of them I had a blood test done and it was 0.06. Could I still be pregnant but maybe late implantation?please help I really just want to cry bc I have the hugest urge that I'm pregnant and I had the same almost everything I did with my last but when the tests came out faint it stayed like that for a week not off and on.... Also I'm never late on my period unless I'm pregnant. Please help.