Should I just not pay?


So I’ve been staying in some student apartments. I hate living there and honestly more than likely will be breaking my lease before the year is up. There are supposed to be 4 of us in the apartment but after January there was only 2. My other two roommates are moving out but one of them has already moved out. The other one that is still there hasn’t actually been at the apartment. She’s been there maybe like 2 or 3 times since April 30th when school ended. These apartments give us a $150 cap for 4 bed room apartments and I checked my account today and for some reason I have a $28 balance on my account. I’m literally barely there due to working, never leave lights on, such. It’s really only been me at the apartment so I don’t understand why I’d have an overage. I know someone else who has lived there and he said that something they’d pull everyone’s electricity usage from the building and divided it. They have extra bullshit charges all the time and we just got fined because one of my roommates left a chair on our balcony (we can’t have anything out there). On top of this, the place has a roach and mold problem and not only that but my dog was attacked by another and they didn’t take it seriously at all. Honestly I’m at the point to where I’m about to pack my shit up and leave.