God knows best.💛


As most of you following me know, I was in an abusive relationship last year, and found out I was pregnant during the worst of it.

I lost the baby on May 6, 2018.

Don’t know how the father is going to react but ;


Today, I found out I am pregnant with my rainbow baby. All of the prayers and baby dust would be highly appreciated. My first appointment is scheduled for June 25th, but trying to get something sooner due to having a miscarriage just last year.

To answer anyone’s questions, I found out today. & I am 4 days late, cycle day 35, and today is the first time I have tested this cycle.

Symptoms I have had so far are ; nausea, MAJOR mood swings, sore nipples (only the nipples), hot flashes, and light cramping & bloating (which made me think my period was coming.)

I feel like this is going to be a sticky nugget because with my last pregnancy the only symptoms I had were sore breasts for about a week. && the cause for the miscarriage was low amniotic fluid.

Here’s a picture of my BFP, I am beyond happy & blessed.

EDD: January 24th (my Mamaw’s birthday.🤗💛)