God bless everyone !! :)

I am new to this site, and I just want to say I love how supportive , friendly and responsive everyone is on here it really helps !! None of us are better then the next and we all been through things in our life and did things we are not proud of , but in the end all of our mistakes and life lessons make us stronger and wiser!! Instead of judging one another we should all come together more because life is a precious thing! We shouldn't take each other for granted because some one could be here one minute and be gone the next! My mother and I didn't have a good relationship at all because she was treated badly as a child and didn't know how to treat me and she died at 36 in 2010 when I was 17 and the last time I saw her was on my bday and we fussed then ! But all this pain and heartache we Go thru on earth will be well worth it if we choose to still stay strong and do what's right , this world is nothing compared to what God has in store for us! God bless all of u and let's all treat each other with respect no one is better then the next no matter what u have we all bleed!