He keeps starting arguments


Just wanted to get other peoples opinions on this, in case I'm just being dramatic.

So my boyfriend came home in a bad mood yesterday (not uncommon), I asked if he was ok if there was anything bothering him and got the common response of 'I'm fine'. So I leave it figuring if he wants to talk about whatever is bothering him then he'll say. While making dinner I ask if there's anything I can do to help, he says 'No, I'm just thinking about if I'm going to be here next month or move back with my parents'. We have been together 2 years and go engaged earlier this year so him threatening to leave came out of nowhere.

I asked where that came from and am met with silence. He has nothing more to say. Then he got annoyed at me because when he wanted hugs 5 minutes later I didn't really feel in the mood! He says he struggles to communicate and seems to think if he says that he can say whatever he wants and then give me the silent treatment and I can't say anything back because he 'struggles to communicate'.

He keeps starting arguments and then ending the conversation as soon as he has said something he knows will irritate/upset me. He also then blamed me for him selling his bike, saying I said he had to get rid of it. I have messages showing when he decided to get rid of it I was surprised and asked if he was sure, but he says I'm lying and I told him he had to get rid of it!.

He seems to think I am the one who has been unfair here but I don't agree. Am I wrong?

TLDR; Boyfriend keeps starting arguments then going silent, then later blames me saying I've twisted his words or I said something I didn't.