Guys I need to rant!


I am so irritated! So I raise my niece, have been for the last year and a half with her dad (brother in law). Her mom up and went off doing her own thing in other states, on drugs, making no contact with her. Her dad works crazy hours with my husband so I keep here and I’ve been raising her with him. Just recently they had court, went through a process, and we are now on a 2 weeks here, 2 weeks there until she starts school which is the year after next. This is all fine. Not my favorite but she needs her mom eventually. Cool. This past Sunday she just came back from her very first two week visit at her mothers house in Colorado. She came back with a really bad cough and cold. That’s fine, she gets sick easily and stays sick. But she also came back with major attitude refusing to eat and follow all the rules and everything we have built up over the past year and a half. Which I expected but it still sucks. But today, FINALLY we had a good morning, eating well and listening so I decided to reward her with lunch and ice cream at Dairy Queen. Then I made this cute post to show off our date ... with the caption my lunch date 💜💜

Y’all her mother, who literally just for the first time in a year and a half had her for just two weeks, gets on there and criticizes me for the fries and hot dog bun. Not directly but that’s what she meant by her comments. Not “tell her I love her” “looks like fun” nothing! 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄

Let me say she does NOT have a gluten allergy and it is unnecessary for her to be on a gluten free diet. Her mom magically decided she was allergic to gluten, and has this decided that her daughter is also. For literally no reason other than she thinks she herself is. So no... obviously her father and I do not have her on a gluten free diet for no reason. If she wants to do that at her house that’s cool but I’m not going to unless her father asks me to 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

Sorry I just had to vent I could just not believe the audacity she had to say anything at all to me on such a sweet post over what I was feeding her child (mind you I’ve been battling her hardcore on veggies since getting back from her mothers lol. Fries is something she rarely ever gets at my house period anyway. It was just a special treat). Gahhhhhh thanks for letting me vent 😂😂