How to get through a a hard time while pregnant?


I'm 20 weeks and I am so stressed in emotional. My boyfriend been together for almost 7 years and isn't seeing eye to eye right now in I'm constantly expressing the way he's making me feel. I really want us to work and be a family because this pregnancy was planned after six years of us trying, this is both our first child but I just don't know what else to do. I feel I need to give us a break but I want him around me do to the fact that I'm pregnant and it's my first pregnancy and I'm emotional as ever. I haven't talked about it to my best friend or sister because I don't want to hear any negative feed back right now I'm probably want understand me. I only talked to him about in it's getting me no where. An me holding it all in isn't helping nor healthy for my baby I just don't know what to do at this point. I know a lot of women's go through this and get through. Can you ladies give me some advice I could really use it.