Marriage spark!!


Hello ladies!! I’ve been with my hubby for 8 years; married for 5 years.. we’ve been blessed with a beautiful 22 months baby girl. We’ve been flipping houses then moving to different country then moving to different province! So we’re not settled down for the past 2 years.. “since my baby was born”.. my husband and I love each other so much but we lost the spark... I have this mommy look “stay home mom”. Lost a lot of weight “96 pound - 44 kg”, I don’t have time to be stylish or on point.. my hubby communicated with me about the spark and he told me that love won’t change but the spark is changing and we’re losing it! He told me to give my self more time to fix myself; wear stylish stuff, wear makeup, gain weight etc... at the beginning I felt bad that he’s telling me that! But he’s so honest!! Anyhow what can I do to get the spark back???

My baby is sharing bed with us most of the time, if not she’s in her crib in our room!! We have one bedroom apartment now... our sex life has been so low like min of once a month to max of 4 times!!!

any ideas?? Is there a chance to save our love and marriage??? Please help.. TIA