I almost killed my baby *UPDATE*

I posted a while ago about my pregnancy as a way of venting and not knowing what to do. I found out I was pregnant with my second baby at 3months. My first baby was 6 months at the time. I went to the hospital for stomach pains and that is when they told me I was pregnant BUT they thought my baby was growing outside the uterus. I spent all day at the hospital because no one could tell if she was actually growing outside. I was told my ultrasounds were being examined by every ob in the hospital and that most likely they would have to take her out right there and then. Hours later I was told she was growing inside but the uterus lining was too thin and would probably not be able to support the pregnancy so they sent up an appointment for to be seen the next day at their clinic. I went and I spent two hours there going over my “opinion” they called it. They told my the pregnancy would not make it to full term and I was at risk of rupture, still born, preterm, death of myself, low birth weight, Down syndrome. I was advised to abort my 3 month old fetus as she called it. She never mentioned the word baby it was a fetus. She told me I had to think about my baby that I had at home because this pregnancy was “soooooo high risk” I was going to be induced at 35 weeks she said. There was no way I could go the 40 because it would rupture and both can die. After two hours I told her I was not sure and I would have to talk to my husband this is his baby and he has a say too. I went home cried and cried not knowing what to do looking at the ultrasound I was given the day before. I saw her wiggle, wave her hands, jump around. I couldn’t do it. We decided to go through the pregnancy. At 20 weeks I was told they found 3 markers for Down syndrome and asked me again if I wished to abort. I said no. I am now 36 weeks. In a lot of pain but my baby is almost here. Down syndrome test came back negative. She is a big baby they said. I asked about being induced at 37 weeks since they were so concerned about rupture and I was told no early induction. I am thankful for my baby making it this far but I just feel so mad at the doctors who have been attending me. They say all these things they “advise” me to abort with all these scary things and in the end it’s all good to them. It’s no longer a concern. I almost killed my baby because of them. Because of everything they said.


I saw a lot saying they didn’t force abortion on me. I didn’t want to go into full detail since I didn’t want this to be a long post. When I went to the first appointment I spent two hours there talking about abortion. The doctors wasn’t happy with me saying I had to think about it. Her saying all these scary stuff was convincing me to got towards abortion. She seemed to be getting frustrated with me. Told me I could not be selfish and had to think about my baby who was here. She went to get her supervisor to talk to me more about the risks. She came and guess what? She was very optimistic. She told me she’s seen a lot of women with what I had and had normal pregnancy normal delivery and healthy babies. Some were preterm but became healthy babies. She was the one to give me hope. Then the doctors who was first talking changed her attitude. Supervisor called my fetus a baby as to which then the other doctor started calling a baby as well. It was no longer a fetus to her. If I would have not talked to the supervisor I think I would of gone with the abortion because she made a point I had to think about my older baby. I was bothers about it because they told me I was high risk, at risk for these things and now I am just a normal pregnant that will not be second looked at for the last few weeks of pregnancy. Yes I made it this far but I am still nervous about the possibility of things that they said could happen. I saw the doctor I saw at the beginning a few weeks ago and she looked like she was not happy I was there. She did not want to go over things with me. Until I went to my appointment after hers is were I found out I was supposed to be going to nst and she was supposed to get me set up with labor and delivery to start my appointment but she failed to due so. She was also supposed to go over my blood work and send me to L&D for iron infusion which she also failed to due. The doctor was so mad and confused on why she failed to go over this with me and set it up for me. She tried to get ahold of her and couldn’t. I have not seen that doctor since. This post was more of a venting post. I was feeling a little down thinking I almost aborted you and now you only need 4 more weeks and you’ll be here.