No period in 3 months?!

So it's Sept. 23rd and last time I had my period was late June. I am on the Loestrin Fe pill and I haven't missed a single one! I take it between the same time everyday as I always have (between 9-10am) 
Me and my boyfriend always have unprotected sex (I have bad reactions to condoms latex or not - still no doctor answers as to why) but we still use the pull out method even though I am on the pill too.
I took a pregnancy test last week which is about 11 weeks since my last period. And negative. 
Is it really something I should freak out about? I know this pill is supposed to give you lighter periods which I have always had since I started it (March 2014) and before this pill I was on the shot which made me completely stop getting my period all together. Could this be all that is happening then?