Different pediatrician annoying


So for my babys last checkup at 4 months she saw a different pediatrician then her usual one. She was born 9lbs and 22inches btw

She was around 18lbs at the time and the pediatrician had the nerve to tell me to feed her less because even though she was on the bigger side when she was born (she said 8lbs-which was wrong) i corrected her and said 9lbs actually. Then she trailed off and went on to talk about something else. She's 5 months now and like 3 weeks ago she weighed 20lbs and 27 and a half inches. She only drinks 4oz every 3 hours sometimes 5hrs if she has longer naps. Her cousin whos a boy who is older by a month drinks 6-7oz every three hours and he's still smaller. (He was born 8lbs 10oz) and her younger cousin by 2 months drinks 5-6oz every 3 hours as well. She drinks less than all of them getting maybe 26oz per day. She only drinks 6oz for her first bottle of the day because she sleeps through the whole night like 8-9hrs and gets up ready to eat. Then all she wants is 4oz throughout day. So i was sooooo annoyed that she even said to feed her less. Other peoples babies drink up to 30 something oz's a day. I know for sure her normal pediatrician wouldnt have said anything

And everyone i meet literally tells me that shes just BIG. Not thats shes overweight. My husband is 6 feet tall.

She wears 12-18 month clothes and is in size 6 diapers