Spotting after sex? TMI photo


I have had the mirena iud for two years. About six months ago I started having some pain in my right side during sex so I went to get an ultrasound—all clear! I was thinking I had cysts or my iud had moved but everything was fine. The pain was inconsistent but very strong when it would occur. Like I had to stop doin the deed. Position, time of day, etc didn’t seem to matter. The pain was sometimes totally random, but generally if it happened once that week it would happen again.

Fast forward to now—I’ve had my first two “periods” in years, in the past two months. They’ve been pretty light & about a week long. Mostly brownish spotting but a few days of regular flow in the middle.

I’ve also been spotting after sex. Pic attached of what I woke up to—my new pajamas ugh!!

I take a pregnancy test once a month because I was previously not having a period and wanted to make sure my iud was working.

Should I go back to the doctor or is this normal?