Help! Miscarried 8 days ago. Still passing clots. Concerned.

I was 8wks 3days and had a very painful mc. The cramps were as strong as the early contractions I had during labor. At one point it felt like a gush of fluid and then I passed my baby. I hadn’t announced I was pg to anyone, not even my husband so I’m trying to go through this alone. After the first day I felt ok and have just had really heavy bleeding and passing clots. It’s been 8 days and I’m still passing some marble size, and larger clots today. I’m not having any cramps but still moderate bleeding. I just changed jobs and my insurance doesn’t start until June 1st so I can’t go to my dr. Right now I am mainly just concerned with the clots. Is it normal to still pass clots over a week later? I’m also thinking I may have been pg with twins. I felt symptoms very early. It sounds crazy but within a week of ovulation I knew without testing that I was pg. Lots of thick white discharge and my boobs immediately felt full and tender. I also felt bloated about 2-3 wks pst ovulation. I have twins already and it’s very much like when I found out I was pg with them. But I only saw one baby and it was large enough to feel pass. I don’t think I would miss passing another one. Is it possible to still have another baby that I haven’t passed yet? Also the bleeding I’m having looks like it has a little mucus in it. Is this all normal?