I can’t stop crying.

•K• • Mom to a one son, one 🌈 daughter, and 3 LOVED angel babes. One of the nice girls. Fitness fanatic. All glory and praise to Jesus!🙏🏼🙌🏼❤️


I just saw on the news that a baby girl under one was found passed away at a dumpster in her car seat. In bellflower, CA. A blanket was covering her. Hold those babes and kiddos tight tonight mamas. This broke my heart into so many pieces.

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Posted at
Those stories have always been absolutely horrible, but now having an 11month old myself, I bawl at any story I read like that. It’s absolutely horrific. I pray for these innocent angels all the time.


•K• • May 28, 2019
❤️ Me too...🙏🏼


Posted at
Omg I heard that and cried for an hour. I was hugging my 10 month old and she kept patting my face drinking her bottle. Its so sad. I hope they prosecute the ones responsible.


•K• • May 28, 2019
I feel the same way. I can’t stop thinking about it. Sometimes I hate watching the news. I don’t want to be ignorant but that is going to stay with me for awhile. Big hugs to you and your little one. ❤️


Posted at
Oh my god 😭 that’s literally 10 minutes from where I live too. It’s so scary there been a lot of child abductions in the LA area lately too.


Posted at
This breaks my heart toom and imagine the person who found them. Oh id never sleep again. Who could do such a thing? People like that deserve the worst. Oh this is so awful.


•K• • May 28, 2019
Every time I think of it I get upset. I think something like that will come back to haunt the person, even if they’re psychologically impaired at the time. It’s so horrific. 💔