Guess No Two Piece

I casually said to my husband that I wanna get a two piece bathing suit this summer. I haven't felt confident to wear anything like it in 14yrs, so I expected a better response than.."if that's what you really wanna do". I told him his response was kinda off, like he didn't think I should but rather not say it. He goes "well you have a belly so..but they're alot of other women with big bellies who wear bikinis" he continues with "If I felt I had a stomach I wouldn't go out without a shirt and that's what a two piece is, it'll show your stomach, but if that's what you wanna wear, go for it ".

Now I know it's not that big a deal, but when I decided earlier today to get a two piece, I didn't expect my husband to immediately mention the one thing that literally kept me off the beach or in public pools for stomach that isn't the most fit after 5 children. Now I feel crappy again and I don't even wanna go in my own pool, smdh. He always knows how to bring my confidence from 100 to 0 😔