
Briana • Mommy to an angel 👼🏻 6.9.16 & and my babygirl 3.3.19 🥰💕

I stopped breastfeeding my daughter when she was around 5 weeks, I think with having a newborn and getting adjusted and just being exhausted I couldn’t continue so I used cabbage leaves to dry out my boobs and my daughter is now 12 weeks and she is small 😩 I know babies grow at their own pace but sometimes I feel as if it’s my fault since I stopped giving her breastmilk. She’ll be 3 months in a few days and she’s on size 1 diapers and still in newborn clothes. She was born 3weeks early but her doctor said her development is right on track.. although everywhere we go people comment on how tiny she is and compare her to babies her age and she is so small. Do any of y’all know anything about relactation? Or any advice or tips?? Or just for yall opinions rly 😩😩