Borrowed from some place else.. For a mom that needs to hear this.


No one...

Nobody saw you at 3am when the baby woke up again.

Nobody saw the bruises on your breasts when you fell asleep with the bra on.

Nobody saw you hold for hours a baby who just wanted to be in your arms.

Nobody saw you holding the little hand before sleeping

Holding a small, nervous body that howled and screamed.

Holding a head against your chest in those first chaotic days.

Nobody saw you when you did not have anything

But you gave something

But you did something

But you invented a game.

I have not seen you for a long time

We have not talked for a time

But when I see the beautiful images of your children that sometimes you post

I feel like I'm watching you

That I see the mother behind those children

The mother behind the babies smiling for the cameras.

I see the diapers,

the games

and the songs

I see the little noses with snot, poop, crying and kisses

I see you helping little arms to get into clothes.

Frequently no one looks at you

But you are building something that will never be destroyed

A love that will never be eliminated.

Never forget it, I look at you.