I am so ashamed

I am so mean to my mom. I really don't know why. I should have control of my emotions and stuff by this point, I know. I hate myself so much because I just get so fed up with her. I had what I call a breakdown a few years ago and I told her some super personal stuff. And sure she's my mom...she knows alot about me. But what I told her just has ruined our relationship. Not because she treats me different or anything. She loves me just the same. Just now that someone knows my secret I feel like I'm unworthy of being loved or forgiven. And yes, I know God knows all and I've to reach out to Him...i just can't forget it and I feel so undeserving to be forgiven. And I'm just so bitter to my mother. I try to have control and treat her with respect because she is the best mom. But I worry so much And tell her more things and then I get mad when she tries to help or tells me to stop worrying. I have an appointment in a few days to go to the gyno to get some birth control. I'm hoping it will settle my hormones. If this isn't the problem, I'll know I truly am a bitch.