I feel bad...

I thought I would feel better getting it off my chest to my fiancé but I don’t, now I just feel mean...

Christmas he didn’t buy me a gift he went two days later and bought one, Valentine’s Day he didn’t bring me flowers, my birthday he didn’t buy me a gift or flowers, took me to a nice dinner though...

he works 2 jobs and I do understand he doesn’t have much time, we’re getting married in a month and I just feel like bla, I know he loves me but it hurts to watch him buy his mom flowers, buy his daughter gifts every birthday, make sure everyone has a present and everyone gets cake on their birthdays.

I bake him cookies atleast 2x a month or for special occasions, I cook dinner every night and make sure he eats home cooked meals for work, I make sure I buy him something even if its all I can afford for that month just so he feels special and can always look back and remember I got him something , I give him Father’s Day cards even though his daughter isn’t my child just to remind him how amazing of a father he is to her...

I kind of just told him how iwas feeling and it was kinda bottled up for a while now and I felt bad doing so, I don’t want him to feel bad, it won’t change anything, I just want him to not forget about me or tell me he didn’t have time because of work ☹️

I feel like maybe I should have just kept it to myself because now we both just feel hurt