13 DPO with BFN

My cycle is textbook 28 days.

I’ve been tracking my BBT for the past 2 days, and last Friday since I was out of town over the weekend and forgot.

BBT on Friday was 97.5

BBT yesterday was 98.1

BBT today was 98.2

I test with FRER and got a BFN this morning and yesterday afternoon.

I’m 12 DPO with the <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">Glow App</a> and 13 DPO with the Flow App.

I tested on Monday afternoon with Clearblue and got a VVVFL.

Could there still be a chance?! I’m due to start AF in 2 days.

Did you get your BFP after 13 DPO if your cycle was 28 days?! Please comment.

My hopes are dwindling fast. 😩🙏🏻

Photo is the BFN from yesterday afternoon.

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