Devastated, though you would think I'd be used to it.

Shari • Mother of three living, and six angel babies.

Pretty sure it's starting again. Spotting on Sunday, but still had hope. I bit heavier on Monday, but not enough to barely spoil a pad; I I didn't have to wear underwear most of the day, and none at night (we stayed in for the holiday). Yesterday, I woke up and had a sudden gush of blood. I thought it was odd, but didn't think too much of it, as we had sex the night before. I had no more bleeding or spotting the entire work day. I got home in the evening, and noticed there was some blood on my pad; but it was still not a lot. Again, the bleeding/spotting had vanished. We had sex again last night; this morning around 4am, I woke up feeling a quick flow, and went to the bathroom to find that it had happened again, then stopped. Then it hit me: even though it's not as much blood, it is happening the same way as it did with my first miscarriage on February. I was expecting it, because my positive test had gone negative; but I'm still not prepared for this...again. Third one in 3 months. I'm going to work, and plan to hide at my desk. As soon as the tears stop..