Since nobody I know will ever see I posted this.

I’m in a long term relationship with the father of my son. My boyfriend has severe add that he was recently diagnosed with and as anyone with add/adhd knows, a lot of times it can cause you to not really see what’s right in front of you. He told me the other day that in the last ten years of our relationship he’s never really thought about us at all because that’s just not how his brain works. Don’t misunderstand though, he’s the sweetest guy and the BEST dad and obviously how his brain works isn’t his fault. It just sucks ya know? On top of that, an old friend has popped back up in our lives again and this guy is someone that I was basically in a relationship with for 8 months when my boyfriend and I took a break about two years ago before we got back together and had our son. I realized that I never really healed from my split with this man after hanging out with him a little. I honestly think he could be the love of my life. And I honestly feel like the worst mother and partner to my boyfriend for even saying that. I’ll take that secret to my grave. Anyways, it’s just been aching inside me for the last two weeks to feel what I do. No I’m not going to leave my baby’s dad. We’re a family. No I won’t cheat on him. I just wanted to share that sometimes things fucking hurt. I wish I could’ve made it work with this man. But since I couldn’t, I just have to let him be happy and stay with my family. Thanks for reading. Just had to get it out somewhere.