Scheduled a private scan for this Sunday!


I’ll be 11+6 this Sunday. My doctor’s office did an early one at 7 weeks and then another at 9 weeks. I don’t think I can mentally handle going from 9 weeks to 19 weeks (our anatomy scan) so I’m sucking up the 45 minute drive and 70 dollars to see our baby again this Sunday. My husband will be camping with the guys so I’ll be all by myself. It’ll be an amazing peace of mind (especially before announcing), but I’m also trying to take deep breaths and tell myself that I’m brave and can handle any outcome, good or bad, since I’m going alone. I’m pretty sure a couple of my friends think I’m crazy for having my 3rd ultrasound within 12 weeks, but pregnancy after loss is terrifying and the appointment makes me feel excited and nervous all at once (and it’s just super cool to see the baby).