So blessed.

Llaycee🌼 • Momma to Graycee 🍼 Wifey 💍 Business owner ❄️ Child of God✝️

I am so blessed to have this little girl. I found out February 21st that I was miscarrying.. the baby had lost its heartbeat, there was no hope. We decided to miscarry naturally. Soon after, I woke up around 3am and woke my husband up and told him I wanted a puppy. Half asleep he said no way and said we would talk about it in the morning. I told him why I wanted a puppy, and that I wanted that unconditional love and support when I did lose the baby. He woke up more and agreed we could look for a puppy. We couldn’t afford a pure bred puppy, so we looked around on Craigslist for a dog that needed a new home. Here is where I found little Stellah. Her name was Daphne, and she was 3 months old. Suffering with demodectic mange and extreme bloat. We picked her up that afternoon, and took her to our local vet 💗 I miscarried in March and Stellah was right there by my side. Now she is almost 7 months old and my absolute best friend.. I am so lucky to have her 💗