I need advice, working moms


I work for a large urban school district where I was academic coach for all high schools ELA teachers. A few weeks ago, we found out they are eliminating our positions. We are not fired, but being shifted around. I have an excellent reputation and have been offered school level coaching positions at several high schools and one very high achieving middle school, near my house, with a female principal I greatly admire.

I am due with my first baby in August, a week after the school year starts, and she still desperately wants me. Probably the only negative to this option is a cut in pay of about $400 a month (what I was making before I become district coach)

In addition, I have been told by my current director that if I want an Assistant principal job, I will definitely get one. This would be for more money, but far more stress and responsibilities. I would have to chaperone ball games and be on call for teachers who need a substitute, all while trying to care for and breastfeed an infant. To top it off, you don’t get any choice in where they place you, and some of the most challenging inner city high schools in our district are who needs an assistant principal.

If I wasn’t having a baby in a few months,

This would be a no brainer, I would kill to be assistant principal at a high needs school. My gut though, says go with the easier coaching job for this next year of transition and get AP next year, once managing baby and career is a little easier, and just deal with the pay cut best we can.

Any working moms dealt with a similar situation? What advice do you have? What would you do if you were me?